Saturday, February 14, 2009

My ideal siSter!!

The only sister that i has in the world is her..Her name Mariam Jameelah bt Izham.She becomes 29 on 15th February this year..( old right??)Today is her birthday...'EpY birthday' Cukk!!moehehe...>.< She ia the best sister in the world that i have..Mybe we always fight together but we love each other..bcoz this relationship will never end..Now she work at Putrajaya and has finish her master in course 'Human resourse' at University Putra Malaysia.She is the smart+responsible+kind sister for me..She will never give up..and always said "We must strong, and independent!!"..I likes her attitude...InsyaAllah,I'm follow her advise..
For our informations,my sister will marry with her beloved this year,on 14th March..(~aaa...No!! this time I hve a exam!!damnn~)X_x
I hope all the happiness that she wish will become true.. ~ngee..
"Always love you!!" ^_^

HEy YoU BoYZ oUtSiDE!!! waRNIng!: keep FIGHTIN'on me b4 U tAkE aWaY heR FrOm MIne! SHUT UP!!<<---hakhak...naaa.....(craZy)o-O


  1. mesti Miss M kat atas nih sorang cikgu BI hahaha
    anyway,u n ur sis nih sooo sweettttt la bler shoot pic sesame..heee she is pretty bangat! gmbar die kawin yek?waaa mackUp waw! heee

  2. ehe...yup..Miss ajr nie die yg swuh wat..untk improve kn bi kite..ehe...


    erk??thanx..ahaa...nie time die tunang..
